Teacher Competency AssessmentSystems or processes for measuring teaching have been increasingly recognised as an important part of the instructional improvement exercise. The effective assessment of teaching is central to the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching in a school. It is essential to know the strengths of teachers and those aspects of their practice which could be further developed. From this perspective, the teacher assessment is a vital step in the drive to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning and raise educational standards. |
Our research-based Teacher Competency Assessment (TCA) system helps teachers grow as it:
Major Purposes
The purposes of the aassessment system are to:
- Improve the quality of instruction by ensuring accountability for classroom performance.
- Contribute to successful achievement of the goals and objectives defined in the vision, mission, and goals of the school.
- Provide a basis for instructional improvement through productive teacher appraisal and professional growth.
- Share responsibility for evaluation between the teacher and the evaluation team in a collaborative process that promotes self-growth, instructional effectiveness, and improvement of overall job performance.
The Teacher Competency Assessment also helps teachers grow as it motivates them to examine their own practice against specific standards. The self- assessment allows the teachers to participate in the assessment and gives them opportunities to discuss the results with assessors, administrators, colleagues,, mentors, coaches, etc.